Monday, February 3, 2014


Hey, all!
So, as consistent as I am in real life (not very!), I'm obviously that much better at blogging on a regular basis. I figured, though, there's no time like the present to start trying again! Because I used to actually be a pretty good writer, believe it or not. And I think my life is worth writing about, even if nobody reads it. 

So, for my own reference, here are a few subjects I might blather on about in the future:

Jane Austen
Easy babies
DIY projects and products (Don't expect any high level of craftsmanship, here.)
Edible food!/journey toward whatever "healthy" means these days
Developments in the world of birth and parenting
The spiritual life of one SAHM
Building a "minimalist momiform" (a la Laura at This Felicitous Life)
Whatever suits my fancy!

I'd like to join some link-ups as we go along as well:
What I Wore Sunday with Fine Linen and Purple
Five Favorites with Moxie Wife
Seven Quick Takes with Conversion Diary

And maybe more!

So here's to the reopening of a blog that (almost) nobody read in the first place. Cheers!

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