So I missed the Wednesday part of the link-up... But anywho, here's the link to one of my favorite Catholic Mommy Bloggers- MoxieWife.
(Thanks for hosting, and for all your insightful and touching posts on marriage! Hopefully I'll be more on time next week!)
Fuzzy Socks
Our heater never got above 65 yesterday (fixed now, thanks), and I was so thankful for my fuzzy pink socks! (I have four pairs- all pink, if you were wondering.)
Snow days with my hubby!
'Nuff said
T-shirt headbands
Thanks to #2, I had a little time to work on frivolous, crafty projects. If you can't tell, I can barely fit them all on my head.
They stay put better than my comfortable ones, and they look cuter than the ones that stay!
The cool, knotted one:
The thicker, braided one:
Apple-Oat Cookies
Guys, I'm not exaggerating when I say I only had two-thirds of the ingredients for this recipe. Not enough brown sugar, no baking soda, no applesauce, no whole wheat flour... But I improvised! And they're delicious. She calls them "Breakfast Cookies." Ha! More like "Hourly Cookies." Even Bryant likes them! And, let me tell you, he's a traditional cookie kind of guy. Imagine if I actually followed the recipe!
Phil Vassar
Now, I wouldn't say Phil is my "favorite" artist, and this might even be kind of an un-favorite because of the circumstances, but Bryant and I were planning our Valentine's date to his concert tonight! Wait, it gets cuter. Guess what concert we went to on our honeymoon? Phil Vassar! (You're such good guessers.) Too bad it's postponed until May because of the weather...
And there you have it! My first (not-so) link-up! Whoo hoo!
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